"What you see on social media is only a highlight montage. You’re seeing their best moments, not their struggles."
- Sifu
"Once retired, if you’re able to live off of your passive income, and never touch the principal amount invested, then it won’t matter if you die at 100 or 150."
- Sifu
"Do you know that people who like to flash their cash like that don’t become like that overnight? Their pretentious lifestyle insidiously builds over time."
- Sifu
"You’ll never be tempted to spend what you don’t see."
- Sifu
"That fund will ensure that one shitty day doesn’t turn into a month-long prison sentence in hell."
- Sifu
" I would look for investments where the returns are consistently higher than the interest rate on that mortgage. It’s also a concept termed OPM, or using “Other People’s Money”. You’re effectively leveraging that bank loan to accelerate your investing plan."
- Sifu
"A home mortgage forces you to put money into that “investment”. When you’re investing on your own, no one is forcing you. That means, you must exert true discipline to follow through with this plan."
- Sifu
"The top 1% in the US make in excess of $600,000 a year. When people talk about raising taxes on this tier of taxpayers, it will likely not affect most of you. And if it does, surely you’ll still have way more than the other 99%. Most of the rich would not feel it."
- Sifu
"... any talk of casinos here, better be accompanied by, “I don’t bet against the house. I am the house."
- Sifu
"You know the sad reality is: in either car, new or used, once the owner has it for a while, the novelty wears off and they take it for granted and it’s not special any more."
- Sifu